Frequently asked questions

Q: Do I have to be a recreational diver in order to enrol in a PDTA course?
A: You need to be a certified recreational diver and have enough underwater experience in order to feel comfortable learning new tasks and skills in an underwater environment. You’ll also need to have recent diving experience in the form of a minimum of 10 dives in the last 6 months.
Q: What are the most important things to look for when choosing a training or education provider?
A: The Australian Skills Quality Authority fact sheet includes a consumer checklist which can help you decide whether a training or education provider is right for you. This document can be viewed here:
Q: What is the process to enroll in a PDTA course?
A: All details can be found on our Application Process page here:
Q: How do I become an underwater welder?
A: Since underwater welding requires working as a commercial diver, you must first train as one. The first step to becoming a commercial diver is to be a certified recreational diver and to have completed a sufficient number of recreational dives to ascertain that you are comfortable in an underwater environment and whether further training and future employment as a commercial diver is something you would enjoy. A career as an underwater welder can be very rewarding but is not suited to everyone. This type of work requires high levels of physical stamina, a mature mindset and superior work ethic. Furthermore, you might be expected to work long hours, undertake extensive travelling or work in hazardous environments. Training as commercial diver and acquiring underwater welding skills will also require your full commitment.
Steps and requirements to becoming a underwater welder
Gain Recreational Diving Qualifications
Become a Certified Commercial Diver
Become a Certified Above Water Welder
Gain on the Job Experience
Complete ADAS SSBA to 50m (Part 3) and Closed Bell (Part 4)
Complete a Specialised Underwater Welding Course