
PDTA offer the following ADAS courses:
ADAS Restricted Occupational SCUBA to 20m (Aquarium Diver)
ADAS Restricted Occupational SCUBA to 30m (Part 1R Scientific)
ADAS Occupational SCUBA to 30m Part 1
ADAS Occupational SSBA to 30m Part 2
ADAS Onshore Diving Supervisor (Supervision of Part 1 and 2 Diving Operations)
ADAS Chamber Operator and Advanced Chamber Operator
Equipment Technician (Kirby Morgan, OTS & Interspiro)
ADAS Dive Project Management
Why choose us
Professional Divers Training Academy uses realistic conditions in often cold, deep and low visibility water so you are prepared for the reality of construction diving in both the onshore and offshore occupational diving industry.
We teach a variety of tasks associated within the construction industry, from the use of cutting and welding equipment to pneumatic and hydraulic tools. We always run small class groups to cater for individual learning needs and to maximise your time and training experience.
Professional Diving Services are a contracting company who employ in excess of forty commercial divers, and are actively seeking new divers to join our diving crews.
We offer you experienced specialised trainers who are industry recognised as leaders in
- Ship surveys, salvage and repairs.
- Underwater welding, cutting and non-destructive testing of steel structures.
- Underwater construction and demolition.
- Marine science, marine heritage and environmental monitoring.
- Occupational Health and Safety and first aid.
- Diving and construction project management.
Following training we will help you develop a CV and PDS can offer you links and contacts with diving companies Australia wide, as well as a chance to commence your career with us