ADAS Restricted Occupational SCUBA to 20m (Aquarium Diver)

This course is designed specifically for divers working in aquariums or zoos. The course prepares divers for works in an occupational environment using SCUBA in confined waters to a depth of 20m.
The focus of the course is to prepare these divers to work in confined and open water environments undertaking research, underwater maintenance, cleaning, feeding and collection work associated with the running of aquariums and zoos.
PDTA have trained divers working at Aquarium and Zoo facilities Australia wide including Reef HQ Aquarium, Sunshine Coast Aquarium, SeaWorld, Sydney & Manly Aquariums, Taronga Zoo, Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne Aquarium & Auckland NZ Aquarium. Aquarium and Zoological diving work is a rapidly growing industry and a large employer of divers world wide.
This qualification is quickly becoming the standard for those entering this industry sector. PDTA’s sister company Professional Diving Services have a contract with Taronga Zoo for the Marine Mammal enclosure maintenance and have divers engaged at this facility on a daily basis.
For more information, please visit
Aquarium Diver Course
Pre-Dive Preparations
Underwater Cleaning
Collection Work
Work as a Member of a Dive Team
Underwater Maintenance
Feeding Work
“Very knowledgeable instructors.”
“Practical hands on training.”
“Very informative and the trainers were great and helpful.”
“The course gave me a great understanding of safe diving practices that I will use moving forward.”
“Very satisfied with the course, will for sure now feel more comfortable in the water for my job.”
“Practical skills and tool tasks were enjoyable.”
“Theory was presented well and concise.”
“The instructors always gave clear and thorough instructions.”
“The equipment was well maintained.”